Advent Masses and the Posada

The Posada is a statue depicting St Joseph, and Mary on the donkey as they make their way to Bethlehem. The Posada will be sent to a different locality in the parish after the 10am Mass on the First, Second and Third Sundays of Advent.

On the First Sunday of Advent, it went to Hethersett, and Mass was celebrated in Anne Jackson’s home.

On the Second Sunday of Advent, it will go to Mulbarton, and Mass will be celebrated in the home of Chris and Moira White, at 7pm, on Wednesday 13th December.

On the Third Sunday of Advent, the Posada was in Attleborough, and Mass was celebrated in the home of Anne Lister.

The Posada returned back to Wymondham for the Masses of the Fourth Sunday of Advent.