COVID update - 8th September

The existing measures we have in place will continue for the foreseeable future:

  • people should not attend if they feel unwell or have been told to isolate

  • we are all encouraged to do regular lateral flow testing. Tests are available freely and can be done at home with the result in just 30 minutes.

  • Names will continue to be taken or the NHS app used to ‘check in’. Where possible people should download the NHS app as this will send an automatic alert if the phone owner is within close proximity to someone who subsequently tests positive. The government still recommends this as the most efficient way to support contact tracing.

  • Windows will be open to allow adequate ventilation whenever the Church is in use

  • Hand sanitiser will be available for all to use on entering and leaving the premises

  • Face masks are to be worn by all (except those who are exempt) when inside the Church and Narthex

  • The current spacing of the benches will continue

  • Stewards will continue to show people to a seat for Mass in order to maintain social distancing but at the same time maximise the number of people that can be accommodated – this is particularly the case for the 10 am Sunday Mass although we haven’t reached the maximum yet

  • Stewards will continue to direct people to communion

  • Collecting buckets will be available for those who wish to make a cash donation – please see the website for other ways to contribute financially to the Parish

  • At the end of Mass people should leave the building by either of the two access points and not congregate inside

  • Any chatting and socialising needs to be done outdoors; but even then respecting an individual’s need for space

  • If you are able to park at Central Hall (free on Sundays and after 6 on other days) then this will leave a safer space for socialising

  • The Church and Narthex will continue to be ‘fogged’ (or else seats and touch points wiped down) after every service

The main changes are as follows:

  • The Cantor will continue to lead the singing at the 10am Mass but the congregation is encouraged to join in provided they are wearing a face mask.

  • A small number of hymn books will be placed on every bench for you to pick up as you enter the bench. The books should be placed back in the same place at the end of the service. This will avoid the jostle of people trying to put hymn books back on the shelves as previously.

NB. If anyone took a hymn book home at the beginning of lockdown please can these be returned.

In order to continue to operate safely we want to continue to have people to act as welcomers and stewards at every Mass. If you are willing, and able, to join the existing group of parishioners currently undertaking this role then please can you email with your name, telephone no. and which mass you are prepared to help at. The more people who volunteer the less often you will have to undertake this duty.