7:00 PM19:00

Wymondham Choral Society.

Wymondham Choral Society presents Mozart Requiem, Solemn Vespers, on Saturday 22 July in Wymondham Abbey at 7pm. Tickets £15 (under 16s free) on the door. Online: wymondhamchoralsociety.org.uk/

online: scan the QR code. From Reeves, Wymondham or Nuts’n Bolts Attleborough (cash or cheque only

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12:10 PM12:10

A Day with Mary.

Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham, National Shrine of England, Sunday 16 July 2023.

12:10pm Friday Market, Walsingham, Angelus and Procession along the “Pilgrim Way” to the Shrine while praying the Rosary.1:00pm Arrive at Shrine, Crowning of Our Lady of Walsingham, Act of Consecration, Sung Litany. 1:30pm Lunch break (Please bring packed lunch) 2:30pm Exposition with Outdoor Procession of the Blessed Sacrament, Sermon on Our Lady by Fr. Andrew Chamiec, Meditations on the Passion, Silent Adoration, Rosary, Benediction. Enrolments in the Brown Scapular and Miraculous Medal.5:00pm Mass of the Sunday. Chief Celebrant and Preacher: Fr James Mary OFM Conv

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12:00 PM12:00

Friends of the Cathedral Annual mass and BBQ.

On the 24th June, at 12:00, at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, the annual Mass for the Friends of the Cathedral will be celebrated by Bishop Alan, the Bishop Emeritus. This will be followed by a BBQ in the cathedral gardens. Pease pre-book your tickets for the BBQ by following this link to the cathedral website: https://www.sjbcathedral.org.uk/friends-mass-and bbq/ All are welcome to attend.

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to Jun 11

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

Next weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi).

The faithful will once again be able to receive Holy Communion under both kinds. Receiving from the Chalice has not been possible since the beginning of the pandemic. At the 6pm Mass, the priest will distribute Holy Communion as usual and will be assisted by two Eucharistic Ministers with the Chalice. At the 10am Mass, the priest and a Eucharistic Minister will distribute Holy Communion as usual, assisted also, with two Eucharistic ministers giving the Chalice. At Attleborough a Eucharistic Minister will assist the priest by administering the Chalice.

Special thanks to our Ministers of the Eucharistic and to Judith Franks for drawing up the rota.

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First Holy Communion
10:00 AM10:00

First Holy Communion

The children preparing for First Holy Communion will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time, after the 10am Mass on Sunday 12th March. Their First Holy Communion will be on Sunday 7th May. We keep them, their families and our parish catechists in our prayers. We very much appreciate the work of our catechists. We are grateful to them for their time and generosity and are blessed that they share their knowledge, expertise and example with our young people.

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 First Holy Communion celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation
10:00 AM10:00

First Holy Communion celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation

The children preparing for First Holy Communion will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time, after the 10am Mass on Sunday 12th March. We keep them, their families and our parish catechists in our prayers. We very much appreciate the work of our catechists. We are grateful to them for their time and generosity and are blessed that they share their knowledge, expertise and example with our young people.

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11:00 AM11:00

Marriage and Family Life Mass

This year’s Marriage and Family Life Mass will be both live and livestreamed at the Cathedral on Saturday June 12th at 11am. Certificates will be available for those celebrating significant wedding anniversaries in 2020 and 2021 (anniversaries of one year, five years and every multiple of five years thereafter). Please register to attend the event and/or for a certificate online at: https://www.rcdea.org.uk/marriage-mass-registration

There will be a collection at the Mass for those who wish to help the Marriage and Family Life Commission in their work.

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12:30 PM12:30


This year’s FEPOW Memorial service will go ahead on Sunday 16th May 2021 @ 12:30pm there are limited places but it will be live streamed on our YouTube channel. See the FEPOW page for more details.

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10:00 PM22:00

Incardination of Fr Denis

Fr Denis Gallagher will be welcomed formally into the diocese by Bishop Alan Hopes at Mass here in the parish on Sunday 6th December at 10.00am. This is if rules have changed by then allowing public Masses to take place. Our capacity is about 60 depending on family bubbles.

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6:00 PM18:00

First Mass Live on YouTube

It is with great pleasure to announce that our streaming equipment is now in place. With many thanks to the anonymous donor who has made this possible. It is planned to stream all Masses from this weekend. Having found the youtube site, you may like to subscribe to our channel for easy access. The link you need is //www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPstVjBimy3N0oC3Zmln8g/videos?view=57

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to May 30

A Message from the Metropolitan Archbishops of the Catholic Church in England and Wales

A People who Hope in Christ

A Message from the Metropolitan Archbishops of the Catholic Church in England and Wales

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The radiance of the risen Lord shines upon us. At a time when so many shadows are cast into our lives, and upon our world, the light of the resurrection shines forever to renew and restore our hope. In the words of our Holy Father, Pope Francis: ‘In the midst of isolation when we are suffering from a lack of tenderness and chances to meet up, and we experience the loss of so many things, let us once again listen to the proclamation that saves us: he is risen and is living by our side.’ (27 March 2020)

The impact of Covid-19, both nationally and internationally, has been immense. So much of what we take for granted has changed. Our health and physical interaction, our capacity to travel and gather, have all been affected. There is uncertainty in our future, especially with work and the country’s economy. As we know, very sadly, large numbers of people have died because of the coronavirus, and others have been or remain seriously ill. Keyworkers, not least in the National Health Service and care sectors, are serving selflessly to sustain the life of our nation. Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone who is suffering because of Covid-19, and to all those battling to overcome its effects. May those who have died rest in peace and those who are bereaved find comfort.

When the Prime Minister announced the lockdown, this included places of worship and therefore Catholic churches. These measures were put in place to stem the general transmission of the virus. It is right that the Catholic community fulfils its role in contributing to the preservation of life and the common good of society. This must continue until the restrictions applied by the Government are lifted.

None of us would want to be in the situation in which we find ourselves. While the live-streaming of the Mass and other devotions is playing an important part in maintaining the life of faith, there is no substitute for Catholics being able to physically attend and participate in the celebration of the Mass and the other sacraments. Our faith is expressed powerfully and beautifully though ‘seeing, touching, and tasting.’ We know that every bishop and every priest recognises the pain of Catholics who, at present, cannot pray in church or receive the sacraments. This weighs heavily on our hearts. We are deeply moved by the Eucharistic yearning expressed by so many members of the faithful. We thank you sincerely for your love for the Lord Jesus, present in the sacraments and supremely so in the Holy Sacrifice 2 of the Mass. The bishops and priests of every diocese are remembering you and your loved ones at Mass each day in our churches as we pray ‘in hope of health and wellbeing.’ We thank our priests for this faithfulness to their calling.

As the Government’s restrictions are relaxed step by step, we look forward to opening our churches and resuming our liturgical, spiritual, catechetical and pastoral life step by step. This will also be of service to those beyond the Catholic Church who depend on our charitable activity and outreach through which much goodness is shared by so many volunteers from our communities.

None of us knows, as yet, how or when the lockdown will end. There is likely to be a phased return to travelling and gathering. As a church, we are now planning for this time and our discussions with the statutory public health agencies and Government representatives are ongoing. Together with Catholics across England and Wales we desire the opening of our churches and access to the sacraments. Until then, we are continuing to pray and prepare.

We want to acknowledge with gratitude the service of our fellow bishops and priests, our deacons and religious, our families and lay faithful, together with all our parish and school communities, for the wonderful ways the life of the faith is being nourished at this time, especially in the home. We also pay tribute to the Catholic organisations and networks that are working to support the vulnerable and needy.

On that first Easter day, the disciples were in lockdown and the doors were closed. In their isolation the Lord Jesus came among them and said ‘Peace be with you.’ May the peace of the risen Lord reign in our hearts and homes as we look forward to the day we can enter church again and gather around the altar to offer together the Sacrifice of Praise.

We unite in asking the intercession of Our Blessed Lady and assure you of our prayers and blessing

Yours devotedly in Christ,

✠ Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster

✠ Malcolm McMahon OP, Archbishop of Liverpool

✠ Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham

✠ George Stack, Archbishop of Cardiff

✠ John Wilson, Archbishop of Southwark

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to May 30




This Letter is to be read at all Masses that are live streamed in the Diocese during the weekend May 2/3. Please assure that the Letter is also made available on the parish website.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Today is commonly known as Good Shepherd Sunday because in today’s Gospel, Jesus claims to be the Good Shepherd who looks after his sheep.

How important it is for us to remember this truth! Our God is not the clockmaker god of the post-Enlightenment philosophers who winds up the world and then leaves it to its own devices. Nor is he the capricious despot of the ancient Greek and Roman gods. Nor is he some impersonal force of nature that directs this universe to no apparent end. No, he is a shepherd - someone who sees us and cares personally about us, someone who guides us with an unfailing hand, if we are willing to follow Him.

Today we pray particularly for vocations to the priesthood – for those who will become images of the Good Shepherd for us in our parishes. We pray for men who will be willing to look after the flock of God, not for their own gain, nor for their own convenience, but selflessly, with the love of the Master himself.

That is a tall order! That is why we need to pray for our priests, for those in formation for the priesthood, for those who are discerning a call to be a priest, those who are afraid to follow the call, those who have not yet heard the call which is already in their heart. Our prayer is essential!

It is also important for us to actively encourage anyone who is showing the signs and the gifts that are needed for today’s priests.

John Vianney, a saintly French Parish Priest who lived two hundred years ago, preached these words:

A good shepherd, a pastor after God’s own heart, is the greatest treasure which the good Lord can grant a parish, and one of the most precious gifts of divine mercy.

The priest is a precious gift for the People of God. It is the priest who is the Lord’s instrument, in bringing about His Presence in the Eucharist. It is the priest who brings the Lord’s loving mercy and forgiveness into the messes we make of our lives. It is the priest who helps us find purpose and meaning and direction in our lives as they guide us in God’s teachings. It is the priest who cares for us as at all the special moments of our lives and who shares in all our joys and sorrows.

As your Bishop I am concerned about the future of our Diocese of East Anglia. Those priests who now serve in our parishes have given up their whole lives in faithful service of God’s people, many of them above and beyond the years expected of them. Pray for them at this challenging time. Know that every day in this lockdown they offer the Holy Mass and the Prayer of the Church for each one of the Parish community and for all whose lives have been affected by the pandemic, and for all those who have died. And as we pray for them, we pray today that future generations of Catholics may also be served and loved and guided by true shepherds.

On this Good Shepherd Sunday, we also remind ourselves of the women and men who serve the Church through their Religious Orders and Congregations. We are blessed in our Diocese. We have a contemplative community who offers its life in prayer and worship on behalf of the whole world. We also have active communities who lovingly serve God through a variety of gifts. Pray for them in thanksgiving and pray that they may continue to be blessed with vocations.

Finally, as St John Henry Newman reminds us, each of us has been called into being by God to carry out a specific service. Through our Baptism we are all members of the Body of Christ, whatever our state in life – and we are called to serve God and one another. That is our Baptismal vocation. We must pray for the ability to abandon our own plans, our own safe calculations and to learn to ask the Lord:

What are your plans, and calculations for me, what do you desire for me and my life?

We should be ready with a generous and open heart to respond to whatever God replies.

May the Lord grant us more vocations both for the priesthood and the religious life. May he help us all to discover how we might strengthen the witness and the service of the Church in the world.

May the Risen Christ continue to fill you with hope and peace in these uncertain days. And may the Holy Spirit of Pentecost renew and strengthen us all in the Lord’s service and in the service of one another.

With all good wishes and prayers for you to stay safe and well,

Yours devotedly in Christ,

The Right Revd Alan S Hopes

Bishop of East Anglia

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Important information during the Coronavirus Pandemic - A Letter from the President and Vice-President on behalf of all the Bishops of the Conference
to Apr 27

Important information during the Coronavirus Pandemic - A Letter from the President and Vice-President on behalf of all the Bishops of the Conference

A Letter from President and VP on behalf of the ishops of the Conference.jpg

How to Celebrate Mass from your own home:

Daily liturgical resources for those at home, including those for making a “Spiritual Communion” with the priest, will be available on the CBCEW website. Information about the live-streaming of the celebration of Mass will be made widely available in our dioceses so that the faithful can participate in the prayers of the priest at Mass at home. A fine example of this is from The National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham will continue its full liturgical programme and this will be available to all via the Internet (www.walsingham.org.uk)

The Church

Wherever possible, during this period, churches will remain open, especially on Sundays, for individual private prayer, without any organised services, and offering prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.


Baptisms should be deferred until such time that the public health advice is that congregations can gather safely. In case of necessity, baptisms should be celebrated with all the hygiene precautions that have been laid down by the Church in its COVID-19 advice.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Confession may be offered on request as long as hygiene and social distancing requirements are observed (eg a physical barrier between the penitent and the priest such as a grille and cloth). The use of Rite II and Rite III of the Rite of Penance is not permitted as this, by necessity, requires the gathering of people in our churches.

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

These celebrations should be postponed until a time that allows for families and friends to gather safely within our churches.


The celebrations of Confirmation should be deferred until such time that the public health advice is that congregations can resume public worship.


If possible, the celebration of the sacrament of Matrimony should be deferred until such time that people can gather in numbers safely. However, if this is not possible and only in the most pressing of circumstances, then those present for the marriage should be restricted to the celebrant, bride and groom and immediate family, and if necessary, the legal Registrar.

Anointing of the Sick

No pastoral visits should be made to people who are self-isolating until the isolation period ends. However, do offer phone support. When anointing the sick, the Oil of the Sick can be applied using a cotton bud which can be burned afterwards (one end for the head and the other for the hands) and the priest extend his hands over the sick person for laying on of hands, without physical contact. This has been confirmed as a valid mode of celebrating the sacraments which involve “laying on of hands.” Visits to people in care homes or hospitals should follow advice from the staff on infection control.

Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil

This will be dependent on the forthcoming decisions of the Bishops for the Holy Week ceremonies.


There must be great pastoral sensitivity to this issue. The funeral service should take place at the graveside or at a crematorium, subject to the conditions laid down by the cemetery or crematorium authorities. Arrangements should be made for a Mass to be celebrated in memoriam when congregations are allowed to gather.

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7:15 PM19:15

Autumn Leaves Concert

A performance led by the costumed band and singers of Norfolk West Gallery Quire led by Tom Herman

Enjoy a short concert of words and music followed by refreshments

Free entry with donations shared between Wymondham Community Kitchen and Norfolk West Gallery Quire

Autumn Leaves Poster.jpg
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