Supporting the Parish financially

Thinking of Making a Will?

Some of us have made wills, others have yet to do so.

It’s an opportunity to think long term and, perhaps, to consider a small legacy to the Parish either for a specific purpose or for general support. The diocese has produced a really helpful piece on the whole topic of wills, and plainly worded guidance around a subject that can be challenging. To see it please click here, and if you would like to talk about this sensitive matter then Fr. Denis or Nick Williams, Chair of the finance committee, will be happy to help.

Different ways to donate

For those who would like to support the work of the parish and who would normally give “in the plate” there are a number of different, more convenient ways to donate.

Standing Order

This can easily be done with an online banking app on your phone, tablet or PC (see below for our Bank Details).

If you haven’t access to an online banking app, you will need to complete a paper form to return to your bank. This form can be downloaded by clicking here or picking up a copy from the back of church.

Whatever way you choice, please let us know at for Parish records and Gift Aid.

Any questions on completion of the standing order form can be directed to Jenny Lysons 01953 789742 or Nick Williams 07812334564.


You can use the online donation system, Dona, to quickly and easily make a donation to the church for the main collection, second collection, Community Outreach Project or FEPOW. When using DONA please Gift Aid the donation if you are a taxpayer. All personal details supplied will be held confidentially and only accessed by those required. Please click here to donate. Please email Ella James, if you need help with using the Dona System.


For those who haven’t access to mobile banking there is always the option to send a cheque to the church in the post using the account details below.

Bank transfer

If you prefer to make payments by Bank transfer the details are

Address: HSBC, 16 London Street, Norwich
Account: Wymondham Roman Catholic Church.
Sort code: 40 47 27
Account number: 71006312

‘Gift Aid - the good way to give to your Church’

Gift Aid is an arrangement that allows charities, including churches, to reclaim tax on donations made by a taxpayer. It covers weekly giving as well as one-off donations.

This means that every donation you make is worth 25% more to your Church, at no cost to you.

For example, if you donate £20, we will be able to reclaim £5 on your donation from the government, meaning the Church gets £20 from you and £5 from the government.

If you’re already paying tax on earnings, pensions or income/capital gains from investments, the government simply gives back to the Church some of the tax you have already paid. We don’t need to know your personal details such as income, nor your National Insurance number. Your donations will qualify as long as they’re not more than 4 times the tax you have paid in that tax year (6 April to 5 April).

If you donate via the Dona system, you can choose to gift aid the donation as part of the process so no extra declaration is required.

What do I need to do ?

All you have to do is complete a simple form called a Gift Aid Declaration with your name and address which is available by clicking here or by collecting it from the back of the church, returning the completed form to myself.

Please help us to make the most of this scheme to benefit our Church.

Contact me if you need any help regarding Gift Aid.

Nick Williams Gift aid Coordinator

07812334564 or